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  • Site Safety Covid 19 Sign


    This coronavirus sign has been designed to help remind you how you can stop the spread of coronavirus covid-19.

  • Caution Paslode Nail Gun In...


    Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area

    Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.

    These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.

  • Fire Action Sign

    Fire action signs outline actions that must be carried out and emergency procedures in the event of fire. All our fire action signs are designed to comply with the UKEC legislation. 
  • Toilet & Bathroom Dementia...


    Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.

  • Lounge Dementia Sign 300 x...


    Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.

  • Test Product

  • The nearest spill kit is...


    The First Aid Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.

  • Dining Room Dementia Sign...


    Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.

  • Fire Exit Left Sign


    This fire exit safety sign helps inform people of their nearest escape route in the event of an emergency. It is available in different sizes and material.